AAS 101 — Introductory – Summer 2024

Asian American Studies for Right Now

with Ida Yalzadeh

23 July 2024 – 8 August 2024
Tu/Th 7:30 – 8:30PM EST

About This Course

  • Course Info

    Instructor: Ida Yalzadeh
    Dates: July 23, 2024–August 8, 2024 (6 sessions)
    Times: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7:30-8:30 EST (1 hour twice a week)
    Enrollment: 15 students
    Enrollment Closes: July 20, 2024, 11:59PM PST

  • Description

    This is a course for anyone who wants to think aloud about some of the things that are happening right now in the world. This is also a course for folks who are interested in thinking about, in our case, anti-Blackness and Palestine, through the lens of Asian American Studies. That is to say, we’re asking: how can the ideas from Asian American Studies help us think about some of the issues our world faces today?

    We’ll start off the first week learning some foundational and key concepts of Asian American Studies that will help us with our conversations in the coming weeks. Then, we turn to the subject of anti-Blackness in the United States and among Asian American communities more specifically. Our final week concludes with conversations on Palestine, and why it is an Asian American Studies issue.

  • About the Instructor

    Ida Yalzadeh is currently an assistant professor of history at Lehigh University. She got her PhD in American Studies from Brown University, and has previously taught at Northwestern and Harvard. Originally from Los Angeles, California, Ida works on Iranian diasporic communities in the context of histories of race and empire in the United States. Her interdisciplinary research interests are at the intersection of Asian American studies, visual culture studies, and diplomatic history. She teaches courses on activism & social movements, race & empire, and media representations.

  • Who Is This For?

    Asian and Asian American writers or creatives interested in bringing more research and history into their craft;

    Allies of Asian and Asian Americans who want to respectfully learn about and engage with Asian American history;

    All the above who want to be part of a curious community of learners and thinkers.

  • Class Cap & Enrollment

    The class has a capacity of 15 students, as this is a discussion-based course. Three full scholarships are available to folks where paying the enrollment fee is a financial burden.

    If you are interested in scholarships, please fill out this short scholarship form. Scholarship applications are due by July 10 and participants will be notified by July 15.

  • Platforms

    Google Drive: Participants will receive all readings over Google Drive.

    Zoom: All class sessions will be held on Zoom.

    Vimeo: Recordings of the sessions over Zoom will also be found through a password-protected Vimeo link.

  • Price

    $250 USD
    Enrollment closed.